Tag Archives: WIP

On the Workbench – 6th Nov 2020.

What I am currently working on. What are you working on at the moment?

A regiment of Federal infantry and a gun/crew undercoated and first blobs of paint applied (Perry Minis). Also, more artillery assembled and sorting out horses for more six horse limbers – found another 27 of those old Hinchliffe horses in the Woolshed in a box. Lead Mountains can be a great thing to have at times.. Also a bunch of Federal generals (Perry and Adventure Miniatures). found another 27 of those old Hinchliffe horses in the Woolshed in a box. Lead Mountains can be a great thing to have at times.

WIP: Mystery Italian Unit

Well, not really a mystery. Just my interpretation of a unit that never saw action as far as I am aware. A guard unit. I am working on the assumption that if they got called to serve in Spain or somewhere, they would have lost some of their spit and polish and taken on a more campaign worn look.  They are doing my head in a bit. To think that I thought British infantry were annoying to paint.


My ‘inside the house’ painting desk. I have another one in the Woolshed but I am working over at the casa today. Along the top a unit of Hinchliffe and Connoisseur Hussars that I have not managed to get finished since I brought the minis in the 1980s. One day.


Unpacking Orcs

At least twelve years ago I brought a whole pile of GW orcs and goblins second hand off the internet with the intention of making an Orc and Goblin Army for Warhammer. Well…like so many projects that kind of slipped. I painted one unit (some Boar Boyz) with my young son and then his interest sort of waned so they went into boxes and never saw the light of day – until this week. I decided that I would begin the task of refurbishing the horde. I am pretty sure that I never brought anything for this army new. It was all second hand. I got a fantastic deal on metal Black Orcs – and have nearly a hundred of them. All up I doubt I spent more than a few hundred dollars on this lot.  But a deal is no good if it is sitting in a box never seeing the tabletop or a lick of paint.

I am planning on rebasing the Orc infantry onto stands with four or six orcs per base. All the metals are slottas so I may see my mate at Dopey Dog Laser Engraving to see if he can make me some mdf bases with slots.  Will still be usable for Oldhammer or even Kings of War – and make moving these large units a lot easier.

First refurb is the Boar Boy unit. They need some touch ups and the bases are currently plain green – so some basing will be required. Then I might finish the Giant pushing the Idol of Gork (in the pics below). The giant is one of the Albion Giant miniatures with hands and arms repositioned.


WIP – Spanish Cuirassiers

Seeing as how much I hate cavalry I really seem to be painting a lot of them at the moment.  My latest unit I am working on is a regiment of Spanish Cuirassiers. Now these are a bit later than my 1808 Spanish army by a few years but I had these Perry Plastic Cuirassiers and did not need them as French (have four metal regiments as yet unpainted for my French army), so decided to do them as Spaniards. I am not sure how many men the Spanish actually outfitted in captured French kit but thought that they looked neat – which was enough for me.

WIP – Spanish Mounted Bananas

If there is one thing I hate more than painting Cavalry it is painting Cavalry in yellow tunics. What were the designers of military costumes in the Napoleonic period thinking when they gave Spanish Dragoons yellow coats, yellow pistol covers, yellow saddle cloths and yellow capes and portmanteaus? Certainly not about people like me who have real trouble with that colour.

This is where I am up to after a week of effort. One figure almost completed – more of a test than anything else. I am just not sure if it is too bright? I have not varnished it yet. I did base coat in GW Zamesi Desert, then a mix of Zamesi Desert/Sunburst Yellow (don’t know the new name) and then a final going over with GW Golden Yellow (old name).


WIP: Zulus – another 48 on the bench

I haven’t posted anything for a while – been busy painting and working. Not necessarily in that order.

Some work in progress shots of my next two Zulu regiments – which will use up all the 120 Zulus I got from Trademe a few months back. After that I have some plastic Zulu Wars British primed then it is back to Napoleonics until reserve Impi arrive at the Woolshed.

First off another 36 figure Impi.

WIP Zulu 1

WIP Zulu 2

and twelve musket and rifle armed skirmishers

WIP Zulu 3