Category Archives: Bretonnian

Bretonnian Mounted Men at Arms / Brotherhood Villein Initiates

Once again I have no idea what the hell a Villein Initiate is but I am hoping that they are the same as my Bretonnian Mounted Men at Arms. This is a Kings of War Regiment. The figures are old 5th Edition/6th Edition Mounted Squires. I added a few standards and the odd head swap with plastic Men-at-Arms miniatures.

I got these figures years ago in an internet trade. I am pretty sure I paid $20 for the lot (plus postage) which was about one tenth the cost of the same figures new in New Zealand at the time.  I think the days of deals like that are long gone unfortunately.


Bretonnian Battle Standard Bearer – or some other thingie in Kings of War.

Now that I have got a couple of thousand points of Orcs ready for Kings of War I am moving on to my Bretonnians who will become Kingdoms of Men or Brotherhood or something.  Most of my stuff is pretty much good to go as it has not lived for ten years in a box but was actually shelved and looked after. I have to paint some Pegasus Knights and some more Grail Pilgrims to use as their Kings of War equivalents.

I did find this fan made list which I like for a direct Bretonnian Warhammer Fantasy to Kings of War crossover.  I will probably use it for friendly games at home but will use one of the more official armies (Basiliean or Brotherhood or whatever) if I ever go to a tournament.


I am pretty sure that I got this miniature from the Bretonnian Army Box that was available for a while when the Bretonnians were revamped for 6th Edition back in 2004. He is the Limited Edition Bretonnian Army Standard Bearer.  It is another chronically unbalanced miniature. A plastic horse with a metal rider and a stonking great metal standard that shifts the centre of gravity of the model up so high that on anything other than a dead flat surface it keels over. To that end he fell over in my last game with him and toppled off the table and fell apart on hitting the floor. I had to do a bit of gluing and touching up but here he is – back in one piece.

I like to paint my Bretonnians with simple block colours. The heraldry on the barding is from a sheet of water slide decals I got off a guy in the States who knocked them out himself. I am not sure he operated any more but he was known as Imperial Forge.

GW/Front Rank Size comparison.

I was asked to do a post showing size comparison between Front Rank 100YW Archers and Games Workshop Bretonnians. I have no unpainted figures so cannot compare raw metal/plastic so have to show painted versions. On the whole I think they work together very well.  I can say that GW and Front Rank horses do not mix. GW horse – all plastic at 5th/6th Edition – are big. Front Rank riders can fit on GW horses (see this post showing Front Rank cavalry mounted on GW barded horses).