Category Archives: Warhammer 40K

Heavy Metal: 40K Terminators

Now first off – I did not paint these miniatures. I brought them at a convention bring-and-buy I am guessing ten or more years ago. I have never played W40K but took an instant like to these. I got pretty much a whole playable army (I am guessing) that is almost all in metal figures for the cost of perhaps two squads at current Games Workshop prices for plastics. I am talking about three full ten man squads of infantry, a landspeeder, a couple of vehicles and a bike squad, the terminator squad and some specialist figures (librarians and such like).  I have added a few new units – a battle trike and a tech marine/servitors.

I particularly liked the decals used – and have never found out where they are from or who made them. If I did I might expand this army and start playing a few games.   If any New Zealand readers know who painted these, and could point me to where the decals came from I would appreciate it.


40K Tech-Marine and Servitors

I painted these guys a few years ago.  Like all my Games Workshop Space Marines, these chaps have been painted but have never seen combat. I have never actually had a game of Warhammer 40K. Perhaps one day I should rectify that. Tech-Marines have some special rules that allow them to fix damaged vehicles and get them back in the game.

The Tech Marines with his Bolt gun and Axe-thingy.


A rear view showing his Powered Swiss-Army Multi-Tool that he uses to fix damaged vehicles.


Here are his two Tech-Servitors. They are a fusion of human and spanner.

ImageTo protect the Tech Marine cover is provided by these Gun-Servitors.  I am not sure of the exact rules around these guys but they seem a pretty cheap option for some heavy weapon support.


The entire squad together.


40K Old School

I have never had a game of Warhammer 40K. I pretty much know nothing about the game or how it plays other than a lot of spotty little guys seem to love playing it. I think I threw a few dice once in a Games Workshop store when some over-eager lad tried to show me how cool it was.  However, eight years ago I brought some models ready painted at a convention, figuring that my son might like to play. He was not that enthused so they have sat untouched since then.  The models are all old school – which I kind of like the look of. I have added a few units and models – which kind of makes me one of the aforementioned spotty little guys I guess. This post will highlight some of the vehicles in my 40K Army. I think the Chapter is the Garish Angels or something like that.

First off we have the Whirlwind.  This model is really unbalanced. I don’t mean in game terms either. The rocket launchers on the back are metal and the body is plastic. It seriously needs a counterweight glued to the front end as it has an alarming tendency to pull wheelies.


Here we have the classic Predator Tank with Twin Las Canons, Double-Overhead foxtails and a mini-bar. The base kit is plastic but it has metal sponsons and a full metal turret. I got this kit in pieces in an internet trade for $5.00 including postage.


I tried to paint it to match the livery of the models I got in the trade.


When it comes to Old School, nothing says it like a Full Metal Landspeeder.  This is a great kit, but will have to go on a bigger base as it is also chronically top heavy. I like the look way more than the new plastic kits.


These guys look like they are riding a flying gun.  The modern Landspeeder looks like a flying jeep to me.


Lastly, this bike squad is made from the first edition of these models.  I added the trike to round out the squad. I have no idea if they are used together, but thought they looked cool.


and a final shot.


If anyone can tell me who painted the original models I would love to know.