Woolshed Besieged.

Last night the Woolshed was besieged by somewhere between 40 and 60 teens for my daughter’s birthday party. It took a real hammering. All my gaming stuff, wall ornaments, pictures, swords, bat’leths, steel helmets and so forth were moved into the office and bedroom along the right hand wall and I put a couple of bolts and locks on those doors.

One thing about living a long way from town is that once people were dropped off there was no where else to go – they were stuck here. On the other hand, the chances of gatecrashers out this far from town was almost nil. All in all, the Woolshed was a safe environment for these kids to let their hair down.

There were about 40 girls who slept over at the house and a dozen boys who ended up asleep in the woolshed amongst the wreckage. It was the first party for her ‘year group’ at school and seemed to be a success, depending how you measure it. I would suggest to all fellow gamers with teens who are contemplating a big party to reconsider:)


Bleary eyed kids the morning after. Image

More floor pie than a dog could eat – and believe me – the dog tried his hardest.Image

Dead Soldiers. Despite what it looked like there was not a lot of alcohol consumed. A few over did it but everyone was right in the morning.


After a good breakfast they were all a lot chipper. I made them do the bulk of the clean-up before dishing up breakfast. Apart from cereals and left over sausage rolls and pizza from the night before, there was a big bowl of fried potatoes, scrambled eggs and two kilos of bacon.


5 thoughts on “Woolshed Besieged.”

  1. As the father of teenage daughters I doff my hat to you – you are one cool dad in my opinion! :o)


    1. Thanks. Some parents of kids who didn’t allow their kids to go to the party were pretty critical of us. This was the first party of their year group and someone had to have it – and what better place. Safe, I could control 100% who was there (no gate crashers after getting viral texts about ‘ a big party’ somewhere) and generally well behaved kids. Most of them go to boarding school so when I told them to pack it in, they all pretty much settled down and went to sleep. The few that couldn’t settle were girls who didn’t know what it was like to sleep in dorm-type situations.


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