Zulu Wars: Boer Volunteers (Black Tree Design)

Real life has been getting in the way of painting and posting. Got these finished a week or so back. Black Tree Design Boers. Like all the Zulu Wars figures I have painted so far these chaps are based individually and I have also made sabot bases for them.  They will do service as foes for my British if I game the First Boer War as well.







9 thoughts on “Zulu Wars: Boer Volunteers (Black Tree Design)”

  1. I do like what you have done, I have some of the same and plan to do similar, I would like to know what you used material and paint colours to do those very nice bases, they look like they have just dismounted onto a bit of Zululand Veldt. You need to do a few tutorials for us mere mortals. Cheers and thanks.
    PS arn’t these BTD figures worth the buy, I really like them and wish they could extend their ranges.


    1. Thanks for that kind comment. You have given me an idea for a blog post. Consider it on the drawing board. The Black Tree figures are nice. I am in the middle of painting my first 36 Zulu and they are nice figures as well. A few goofy poses but mixed in the effect should be great. I understand that BTD often do sales – might be a good time to stock up on more metal Zulu.


      1. Good job with the Boers. I have BTD Boers and Zulus for my The Sword and The Flame games that I run in St. Louis, MO, USA. Again, great job with the figures.


      2. Thanks Blake. I like them:) I need to get hold of the TSATF rules and see what they are like.


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