New Year Resolutions

For starters, I am going to do something toward reducing the Napoleonic lead and plastic mountain.  Those boxes are all pretty much full. I never realised exactly how much crap I had accumulated. Then there are the GW plastic and lead mountains. the 28mm Samurai lead mountains and countless other boxes of random stuff (pirates, western, post-apocalypse). I had better get cracking.


I have made a start.  I painted the first Napoleonics I have done in over ten years in the past few weeks and have embarked on a project to rebase my 28mm armies.

French Old Guard Chasseurs by Front Rank.


French Old Guard Grenadiers by Victrix.


My wargame shed. An old Woolshed on my property. My new man-cave is 207m2, which is bigger than our last house. The previous owners were going to develop it as a farm-stay and had converted part of it to include a couple of bedrooms. I retained a bed in one and use the other as a painting study.


My painting desk.


And the first rebased units – mostly made up of old Connoisseur, Elite, Front Rank and Hinchliffe models all mixed together. I really like the animation of the older style figures. I find most models today to be somewhat wooden, but a hell of a lot easier to paint.


Here is a typical base – figures from three different manufacturers.


Wargaming in Rural New Zealand

For starters, there are not many opponents. You get to do a lot of naval gazing, and I don’t mean looking at my 1/1200th Napoleonic ships.  I spend a lot of time reading and interacting with fellow gamers on the internet, but just occasionally I get to have a real wargame with a real live adversary.  Welcome to my ramblings on wargaming, modelling and rural life.

The Woolshed Wargamer

Wargaming and Roleplaying in the wilds of rural New Zealand

Science Fiction Art by David C. Mueller / dcmstarships

Copyright 2024 - No part of this blog may be used without the permission of the artist.

Hutt Miniature Wargames Club

Tabletop gaming in the valley

ARSM wargame Roma

Club di wargame e boardgame, a Roma dal 1976

Comrade's Wargames

Painting toy soldiers in Oregon


adventures in designing a GURPS Dungeon Fantasy setting

Compromise and Conceit

Infernal adventuring...

Vector movement

...and other heady stuff

Tracks and Threads

My Wargaming Blog

Pacific Paratrooper

This site is Pacific War era information