Why I was banned from Battlefront Forums

Webb Cartoon from 2004
Webb Cartoon from 2004

After some email to-ing and fro-ing between Chris Townley (from Battlefront) and myself we arranged for a call from BF for this morning and subsequently today I got a call from one of the owners of Battlefront to explain why my account was deleted from the battlefront forum.  Peter Suminovich was polite and explained very clearly why I was evicted, which is all I was asking for.

Back in 2008 I made a post on a New Zealand political blog, at a time when a major New Zealand politician was in the news with regards to a big political spat over scampi, fishing quotas, alleged corruption, dodgy politicians, paper bags with money in them and an injunction on a video interview with a guy who worked for Peter S who said that he had told him to lie to a Parliamentary commission.   There was this big court case where Peter Suminovich and another joker sued a media company and state-owned TV for defamation and I understand it was settled out of court.  It is all on the internet as part of public record if you want to read about it.  Anyway, that is the background.

I had forgotten all about that period in New Zealand history and could not even remember the comment so after a lot of searching archives on a multitude of political blogs, I think I found the offending post.  I am not sure that there were others but if there were I couldn’t find them.


He said to me on the phone that I wrote a hurtful thing and he didn’t want anything to do with me and by inference that included my having any interaction with his company Battlefront. He obviously has a long memory.  My mother was a Southern European, so I know all about that.

So, there you have it.  It was not anything I said or did on the Battlefront Flames of War forums. He is exercising his right of ownership of the Flames of War Forum – and that is that. Perhaps in a similar circumstance I would do the same as Peter S did if someone called me Fat Brian.

2 thoughts on “Why I was banned from Battlefront Forums”

  1. Well, you’ve got to admit that being banned because of a murky matter involving “scampi, fishing quotas, alleged corruption, dodgy politicians, paper bags with money in them” is one helluva lot more interesting a reason than for criticising the dimensions of a model figure!


  2. I think you get banned for that too, but by mods, not the owner. As I said Roly, it is his ball, so if he doesn’t want me playing with it that is his prerogative. However, if you start calling me Fat Brian I will be really pissed off though! I have lost 16kg at last weigh in 🙂


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